Updates to Home Partners’ Lease Purchase Program’s Maximum Purchase Price
We spoke, they listened!
Agents are always looking for programs to be more aligned with median home values in their respective markets. Thus, Home Partners is making adjustments to their maximum approved purchase prices in Washington, Oregon, and California:
- Effective May 4th, 2018, the new maximum purchase price will be $550,000
- Home Partners will honor property submissions for homes up to $650,000 until May 31st, 2018
So… what does that mean? Our Buyers have the ability to purchase higher priced homes under the Lease Purchase Program offered through Home Partners.
And… why is that important? With Portland’s rising house market, our Home Partners residents are able to execute their Right to Purchase on median home values. We think that’s pretty great!
If you have any questions, please contact us below, check out the FAQ’s, or call/text 971-238-2339.